C-02 Symbols Card Decks (Full Product = 36 Page Activities & Ideas Book + One 104-Card Deck) (Print Version + Shipping)
C-02 Symbols Card Decks (Full Product = 36 Page Activities & Ideas Book + One 104-Card Deck) (Print Version + Shipping)
This unique set includes two sets of 52-card decks, each containing 13 "quartets" of matching icons that represent a diverse range of everyday meanings. With corresponding activities and insights in the included Activities & Ideas Book, this resource offers a dynamic way to enhance vocabulary and understanding.
Key Components:
- Two sets of 52-card decks of classic design for interactive learning and play.
- Activities & Ideas Book (36 pages) with rationale, instructions, and answers.
- Diverse range of symbols covering 26 areas of meaning.
- Reproducible answer keys for enhanced learning and creativity.
- Beyond the Materials ideas to inspire higher-level cognitive learning.
60 pages
Who They're For:
- K-8 Students
- Secondary Students
- Young Adults
- Adults
What They Are:
Symbol Card Decks A-M and N-Z each contains 13 "quartets" (sets of four-of-a-kind) of matching icons (simple images) that can be classified into 26 areas of everyday meaning, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet:
A-M: • Activities • Business • Communications • Directions • Environment • Food • Games • Holidays • International • Justice • Knowledge • Letters • Math
N-Z: • Nations • Occupations • Punctuation • Directions • Religion • Safety • Traffic • Uniforms • Vacation • Weather • X-Symbols • "Yes" Symbols • Zodiac
Corresponding rationale, explanation, pedagogy, instructions, answers, and other relevant info appear in a 36-page Activities & Ideas Book.
Why You Need Them:
Language instruction may begin with symbolism--the notion that graphic images can represent (stand for) utterances, words, phrases, thoughts, or ideas. In fact, with their emojis replacing words in some instances, young people may rely on symbols to convey meaning more than others do. And the very concept of language--both spoken sounds and written letters having meaning--works only when its speakers, writers, listeners, and readers grasp the vital truth that visuals can--and should--have cognitive or emotional meaning.
What They Do:
- serve as flash cards for the recognition and production of 104 common vocabulary items (and their synonyms), organized into 26 practical "categories of meaning." These are useful for lessons involving image recognition, naming, association, description, classification, sequencing, and so on. They can also serve as illustrations of basic pronunciation, spelling, definition, usage, and other linguistic principles.
- provide two 52-card decks of classic design(including even "Wild Cards") for learners to "play with," so that they can combine the cooperative/competitive motivation of tried-and-true card-play with educational progress. Procedures and rules are given, of course. Additional Symbols-Cards Guessing Games are likely to produce the same--or even better--effects.
- display "Answer Keys" in reproducible pages that can also be used creatively for enhanced learning and fun.
- suggest "Beyond the Materials" ideas(such as "Drawing Out Symbolically," "Creatively Interpreting Images," "Describing Symbols," "Designing Your Own Logos") that inspire materials users to learn at "higher cognitive levels" for modern times.
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