H-01b Biographies: Short, Short Stories Based on the “Messages” of People’s Lives (Condensed Starter Book)
H-01b Biographies: Short, Short Stories Based on the “Messages” of People’s Lives (Condensed Starter Book)
Author: Elaine Kirn-Rubin
Suitable for: High Beginning Through Advanced Language Learners, 4-8, Secondary, Young Adult, Adult; New Readers; Students, Instructors and Tutors. independent learners, and Home School students. For English improvement, ESL, EFL, Literacy, WIOA, Career and College, and Corrections Institutions.
What It Is: The 44-page, half-sized, original version of Biographies: Short, Short Stories Based on the "Messages" of People's Lives, containing about 1/8 the material of the full-sized, comprehensive How-to Resource Book
Why You Need It: Lack time or energy to work through the daunting 152-page full-sized version subtitled "Everything to Know (Now) about Teaching & Learning Language & Content with Biographical Material?" In case you want just brief samplings of how to use Biographies of Famous People for language or content teaching/learning purposes and progress, here are the condensed highlights.
What It Does:
- present or learn biographical subject matter through multi-leveled readings, whole-class vs. individualized learning, Main-Idea + Supporting Detail Comprehension Quizzes, and generic interactive skills formats ("Reading-Card Kits," the "Expert Game," Oral Informational Activities, Bio Quiz Games, and Research Picture Cues).
- advance reading/writing + listening/speaking skills + knowledge of history and culture through motivating, engaging, customized, and versatile, and eventually all-encompassing "content," all on a universal topic that interests almost everyone: People, Their Lives, Their Value, Their Significance.
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