B-02a Initial Consonants 72-Page Activities & Ideas Book + Basic & Beginning 52 & 72-Card Packs
B-02a Initial Consonants 72-Page Activities & Ideas Book + Basic & Beginning 52 & 72-Card Packs
This resource focuses on phonics instruction and practice, specifically targeting initial consonant sounds and spellings. It offers an effective way to introduce and reinforce phonemic awareness, as students learn to isolate and recognize beginning consonant sounds before progressing to more complex word elements. The inclusion of "Spelling Alphabets" using initial letters helps in oral communication patterns.
Key Components:
- Two Packs of Picture/Word Cards arranged into 31 sets of “Quartets” (four-of-a-kind vocabulary items beginning with the same initial consonants).
- 72-Page Activities & Ideas Book.
100 pages
Who They're For:
- Students from Kindergarten to 8th grade
- Secondary school students
- Young adults
- Adult learners
- It is designed to cater to learners at basic and beginning levels of phonics instruction.
What It Is:
2 packs of Picture/Word Cards arranged into 31 sets of "Quartets" (four-of-a-kind vocabulary items beginning with the same initial consonants) + 72-page Activities & Ideas Book of product descriptions, pedagogy, activity steps, game rules with variations, reference lists, integrated skills lessons, and more
Why You Need It:
Phonics instruction and practice often begins with initial consonant sounds and spellings. That's because
- in contrast to vowels, consonant sounds are most often written with the same single letters or digraphs. Also, consonant letters usually spell (represent) the same sounds.
- in early lessons that instill "phonemic awareness," students learn to isolate and recognize beginning consonant sounds first--long before tackling more challenging word elements.
- "Spelling Alphabets" (sets of words used to stand for letters in oral communication) rely on the initial letters (5 vowels + 21 consonants)--in patterns like "B as in boy."
What It Does:
- at Basic Levels, displays one-syllable words that start with b, c, d, f, g, h, l, m, p, r, s, t, w; at Beginning Levels, reviews those 13 sounds & spellings while introducing ch, j, k, n, sh.
- develops ability to categorize and to distinguish parts of speech by providing one item in each Quartet for each of these meanings: People or Animals, Places, Things, Actions
What It Can Help You Do:
- have self-teaching material on hand for breaks in routine that don't waste time because they further educational aims
- engage competitive spirits in cooperative learning by enabling learners to really "play cards"==as in classic (children’s) games like P-I-G, Snap, Concentration, Go Fish, Old Maid, I Doubt It, Rummy, and many others that involve matching and sequencing items
- prepare for, reinforce, review, and help others retain materialthrough additional activities that require little or no preparation, Fill-In Spelling Tests, reproducible Worksheets, and whatever else is bound to work.
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