Unit 1 of the Original Scenario, Volume Three: English Grammar in Context: Summary & Review: the Simple Tenses: Present, Past, & Future (“the Interview”), pages 2-16
15 pages
Who It’s For: (Self) Teachers & Helpers at Advancing to (High) Advanced Proficiency Levels Who (Still) Like to Talk / Learn about Their Own & Others’ Persistent Lives
Why It’s Useful: So we’re / you’re still at it (or at it again)—enhancing our / your use of Verb-Tense Phrasing to learn / say / hear even more about tenacious living in the Past, the Present, & the Future. In the very first unit of the vintage third volume of the Original Scenario: English Grammar in Context (waiting in line to receive straightening out + colorful styling), you can follow the life and career of an easily relatable “generic personality”—and engage using only “basically advanced action-word grammar.” Afterward, go on to hearing / reading / considering everyone’s Biographies: No Longer Short Stories Based on the Messages of People’s Lives. And because they deserve to live forever in time (or timing), relate your own accounts & tales to the world.
What You’ll Do:
[1] With the page 2 Scenario: Interview (of a Generic Character), relate to the universality of talk-show styling designed to explore the past, present, & future of just about any “unique individual.” Notice the “life topics” addressed—and the sentence structures used in multi-tense statements and questions about them. Thinking about real-life parallels, complete Comprehension Exercises 1a-1c. With Explanations and Practice 2-4d on pages 3-9, recall and update your grasp of “the Imperative & Simple Present Tenses,” “the Simple Past,” “Activity in Future Time,” and “the Future in the Past.”
[2] In Sections 5-6d on pages 10-16, summarize and coordinate what you know, have learned, and can do with the grammar of completed, repeated, and future action(s). When “Talking It Over” & “Putting It Together,” (re-)include “Tag-Questions”—and other relevant sentence elements—in your repertoire. Because “all lives matter,” master the linguistic skills and life-vocabulary you need to (re-)make yourselves and others into memorable, enduring personalities.