Lessons 21-24 of Chapter 3 (“Government & Law”) of WorkLife English Grammar 6: Issues & Answers, pages 46-52
7 pages
Who It’s For: (Teachers & Helpers of) Progressing Language Learners Who Want to Review Main Uses of Infinitives in Separate Lessons with Various Content
Why It’s Useful: Want one more chance to review and practice uses of Infinitives (to + Base Verb) in sentences and larger contexts? Here are four more Lessons, each focused on a different aspect of these verb patterns: [21] Infinitives in Verb Phrases: Verb + ([Pro]Noun) to Verb. [22] Infinitives after Adjectives & Nouns. [23] Infinitives After IT. [24] Infinitive Phrases of Purpose.
What You’ll Do:
[1] For each of these four one– or two-page Lessons, look over the boxed Grammar Instruction. Make sure that you not only get the meaning of the given examples but that you also discern how their sentence elements fit together to convey their messages. To practice applying the grammar, follow instructions for Exercises A-D (and sometimes *E). Check your work; correct your mistakes.
[2] If they interest you, do additional research on the Subject Matter of the four Lessons: [21] Political Parties & Elections. [22] Voting. [23] Education for Citizenship. [24] How the Government Makes a New Law. Of course, put your primary effort into understanding the significance and intent of what you hear or read. But notice how your comprehension of meaning increases when you also pay attention to the grammar or structure of the sentences. Progressing further, you might also try paraphrasing their messages, including any of the uses of Infinitives you are familiar with or would like more practice