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Work/Life English

E-01.05 Recognize, Pronounce & Contrast Complex Vowel Sounds in Names of Items

E-01.05 Recognize, Pronounce & Contrast Complex Vowel Sounds in Names of Items

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Sections 2.A to 2.D (Simple Vowels) of Part One-2: Talk About Things, of Pronunciation Practice (Before Speaking) pages 14-19 + 2.5 Answer Key Pages

6 + 3 (9) pages 

Who It’s For: High-Beginning to Intermediate Developers of Oral-Language Skills Wanting to Sum Up Complex Vowel Sounds & Spellings in Labels for Things  

Why It’s Useful: Comparable to Part One-1 of Beginners’ Before Speaking with Pronunciation Principles, these Pronunciation Practice sections get speakers to  “Recognize Complex Vowel Sounds,” “Say Words with Complex Vowel Sounds,” “Contrast Complex Vowel Sounds,” and “Say & Spell Complex-Vowel Vocabulary.”  A Mouth Diagram and five comprehensive Sidebars supply pedagogy. Grid-Like Activities, some with illustrations, offer practice in sound and letter discrimination.  Checking relevant responses to those of a Pronunciation Practice (PrPr) Answer Key helps with accuracy.

What You’ll Do: 

[1]  Page 14 (re-)introduces beginners to a 2.A “Mouth Diagram” with labels like “Front / Middle / Back,”  “Open / Closed Lips, “ “Tooth Ridge / Palate / Tongue,” and so on.  It can be used right away for both receptive and active sound-discrimination in seven  sounds: / ey = ª.  iy = Â.  ay = Ì. ow= Ü.  uw = ñ. Aw= ou.  Oy= oi  /.  

[2] Along with reminders of how the lips form sounds—including Complex Vowels before / r / and / l /, in 2.B text users get illustrated word examples to repeat and polish their comprehension + enunciation of.  With the (mostly) minimal groups and pairs of sentences of 2.C, they interact in recognizing, producing, and writing (the most to least frequent) letters for the sounds. Section 2.D provides more practice in correlating spellings of nine Complex-Vowel Sounds to their clear pronunciation in Singular, Uncountable, Plural Nouns.

[3] The attached 2.5 pages from the Answer Key & Audioscript for Pronunciation Practice (Before Speaking) may help in Clear Pronunciation instruction and improvement, along with Vocabulary Building. For more Oral Skills practice with Vocabulary,  Grammar, & Language Competencies that correspond to those in PrPr (BeSp), download E-01.06, which offers Before Speaking Part One-2.

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