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Work/Life English

E-01.07 Distinguish All (16)Vowel Sounds in (Comparatives & Superlatives in) Noun Phrases

E-01.07 Distinguish All (16)Vowel Sounds in (Comparatives & Superlatives in) Noun Phrases

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Part One-3 (Compare Items with All Vowel Sounds & Spellings): Talk About Things, from Beginners’ Before Speaking with Pronunciation Principles, pages 40-50 + Suggested Responses to Conversation Activities on pages 10-14 of the BegBeSp wPrPr Answer Key.

 11 + 5 (16) pages 

Who It’s For: American-English Teachers & Helpers of Beginners Who Want to Practice  Clear Pronunciation of All (16) Vowel Sounds in Context while Comparing Items in Detail

Why It’s Useful: After comparing the Sounds & Spellings of Simple (Lax, One-Letter) Vowels with those of Complex (Tense, Two-Letter) Vowels,  disciples of clear, spoken American English will need to “put it all together.” Still investigating “Talk About Things,” this segment shows and tells how to say (and read aloud letters for) Comparative & Superlative Adjectives with all kinds of Nouns in (illustrated) Grids, Conversations, and cued Activities that stimulate verbal Comparison & Contrast   

What You’ll Do:

[1] Page 40 re-presents the “Vowel-Articulation Mouth Diagram,” this time displaying positions and movements of mouth parts for all 16 Simple vs. Complex Vowels 11-16.  Use it to again practice perception + production of—and discrimination among—the Sounds / Ï= ², E= Ç, I= Ñ, A = Ú, ¿ = ô, O = Ú, U= oo / plus / ey = ª.  iy = Â.  ay = Ì. ow= Ü.  uw = ñ. Aw= ou.  Oy= oi  /. Because these (numbered for reference) “audible units of speech” are displayed with both symbols and letters (in Key Words),  the Infographic can function as a versatile teaching/learning tool—for review and “moving ahead” in Oral Language.

[2] Next comes a summing up of the Letters that most often stand for the Sounds.  Vocabulary sections explain the structure and show examples of Comparative & Superlative Noun Phrases.  Challenge Activities list forms of Adjectives in which to fill in vowel spellings.  A Conversation template, followed by visual + textual cues for contrasting objects in 7 Categories. Part One-3 ends with more advanced practice.  

[3] Especially when referring to suggested language in the attached five Pages 10-14 of Answers to Text Exercises in BegBeSp wPrPr, perhaps using some of it for modeling, text users and self-teachers get to progress considerably in their verbal ability to Compare & Contrast physically visible or tangible items.   

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