Sections 5.A to 5.D (Focus Points) of Part Two-5: Talk About Places, ofPronunciation Practice (Before Speaking)pages 38-44 + 4.5 Answer Key Pages
7 + 5 = 12 pages
Who It’s For:High-Beginning & Above Developers of Oral-Language Skills About to Make Speech More Expressive by Identifying & Emphasizing (Syllables That Are) Focal Points
Why It’s Useful: Expanding on E-02.04 Part Two-5 of Beginners’ Before Speaking with Pronunciation Principles, these Pronunciation Practice sections advise emphasizing focal points in phrases as a technique for making speech easier to hear or comprehend. To this end, it also includes practice in reduction or de-emphasis of unstressed syllables. Grid-Like Activities + paired Exercises in Getting & Giving Street Directions & Locating Places on Maps augment its effectiveness. So might checking relevant responses to those of a Pronunciation Practice (PrPr) Answer Key.
What You’ll Do:
[1] Segment 5-A gets right into paired Exchanges with Focal Points to incorporate into questions and Street Directions (on a campus map). In 5-B, text users continue adding “Voice Pitch” to the clarity of their “Speech Music.” A colorfully illustrated 5-C gets speakers to “Stress Focus Points in Place Names” while reducing vowel sounds to / ԑ / or / «/ when indicated. In 5-D, they get to locate places on U.S. maps in an oral “Information Gap” activity—and then show what they know about where well-known places or features in the country can be found.
[2] The attached 4.5 pages from the Answer Key & Audioscript for Pronunciation Practice (Before Speaking) can supplement Clear Pronunciation instruction and improvement. For more Oral Skills practice with Vocabulary, Grammar, & Language Competencies that correspond to those in PrPr (BeSp), download Parts & Pieces 02.06, which contains Before SpeakingPart Two-5.