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Work/Life English

E-03.04 Focusing on Medial & Final Consonants (& Blends), Tell People’s Activities

E-03.04 Focusing on Medial & Final Consonants (& Blends), Tell People’s Activities

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Part Three-8 (Tell About Human Activity with Verb Forms with Medial & Final Consonants & Clusters) from Talk About People, from Beginners’ Before Speaking with Pronunciation Principles, pages 113-132 +

Suggested Language to Use in Activities from Text Answer Key

20 (+ 8) pages  

Who It’s For: Teachers & Helpers of (High) Beginners & Beyond Becoming Aware of  (Composite Combinations of) Consonants Within & at Ends of Words

Why It’s Useful: Instruction in Medial & Final Consonants parallels that in Initial Consonants—except that preceding vowels are considered—and the / N / sound is included.  Practical Competencies in the Part Three-8 Download center on “People’s Activities.” To complete Exercises with Noun Subjects + Verbs (+ Noun Objects) to read aloud, text users fill in consonant letters—so they can tell what human beings are or (don’t, can, will, ) do in their work and lives.  At the same time, they get into the spelling & enunciation of 24 distinct consonants—and over 40 blends, including those created by adding -(e)s or -(e)d to the ends of (nouns and) verbs.

What You’ll Do: 

[1] In pages 113-121, with a Diagram that labels its parts, teach (yourselves) how to say 24 consonant sounds that occur after vowels. Notice their points of articulation. Understand that 8 pairs of sounds: though spelled differently, are pronounced exactly the same except for the feature of “voicing”— which in final position is indicated more by lengthening of a preceding vowel than by use of the vocal cords or release of air. Attending to the Consonant Sound-Symbols heading 8 columns, fill in the missing letters and read aloud the sentences. Follow similar steps in acquiring and contrasting five other voiced sounds / m n ng r l /.  Delve into “Challenge Activities” if you dare.

[2] On pages 121-126, practice in sounds in context. Have two Conversations about what people do in their jobs. Then use given phrases to talk about all kinds of people.    

[3]  Pages 127-132 cover Medial & Final Consonant Clusters. There are 40 illustrated sentences with these (including some spelled with x).  There’s explanation of what happens when –(e)s or -(e)d is added to words ending in consonants or blends.  There are Challenge Activities.  And the attached correct answers and suggested language to use will promote use of Answer-Key offerings in Self-Teaching (individualized skills building) and cooperative learning.

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