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Work/Life English

F-07.09 Read & Evaluate Factual (True) Information in the News, People’s Real Experiences & Biographical Stories

F-07.09 Read & Evaluate Factual (True) Information in the News, People’s Real Experiences & Biographical Stories

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What’s the Point? Book One: Beginning to Read for Meaning. Part 5: “The Point of True Stories: the News, Real Experiences, & Biographies,” pages 73-96

24 Pages   

Who It’s For: Language & Reading Teachers & Students; Readers & Others Interested in News Articles, True Stories, Features, & Biographical Info in Print, Online, & in the Media; (Potential) Reporters & News Writers              

Why You Need It:  “The News” and people’s reactions to it are omnipresent and never- ending. Whether it’s audio/video and/or printed, everyone needs to know how to understand and interpret (presumably real) information.  Also, true stories are probably what people read most when developing or improving written-skills abilities—and  they’re what many (potential) writers start out with.                                 

What You’ll / They’ll Do:  

[1] Check out the 24-page Part 5: The Point of True Stories. Decide which interest you most: the News; Real Experiences; Biographies.  On paper, in the media, and online, there will always be an (over)abundance of these kinds of material to read, (hear,) absorb, and use as models for effective communication—or in many cases, as chilling examples to stay away from.

[2]  Read explanations. Look at instructions. Learn from Reading-Skills Tips in the Sidebars that attract your attention.  These contain salient information about (the role of) news in our quickly changing societies. There’s even a summary of an article titled “News is Bad for You! The Solution? Give it Up!”   

[3] Read & sequence events in six (6) simplified (past) news articles.  To summarize each selection, give complete sentence answers to five questions.  Then have fun practicing distinguishing reality from legend / fake news.  (The truth is in Download F-07.16, the What’s the Point Book One Answer Key.)

[4]  Read & summarize six (6) true stories of “Real-Life Experiences.” For “retelling,” fill in blanks and answer summarizing questions.  Figure out the “messages” of these narratives, if any. (Are they open to interpretation?)    

[5]  Read & answer questions about eight (8) famous-people biographies.  Decide what “lessons” there is to learn from their lives.  (Because biographical material is so common, there’s plenty of it in Parts & Pieces to follow.)

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