Work/Life English
H-01.04 Get 30 Intermediate-Level Biographies with Aids to Comprehension & Tests of Mastery
H-01.04 Get 30 Intermediate-Level Biographies with Aids to Comprehension & Tests of Mastery
From Biographies: Short, Short Stories Based on “Messages of People’s Lives,” Pages 13 & 41-76, Composed of Instructions, 12 Two-Sided Low-Intermediate Readings 31-42 + 18 Two-Sided High-Intermediate Readings 43-54, Both with “Mastery-Quiz Summary Items” + Answer Keys
37 8.5"x 11" Pages
Who It’s For: Teachers, New English Speakers & Readers, & Other Progressing Learners Wanting to Continue Their Study & Enjoyment of Famous-Figures’ Life Stories, including Interpretation of Their Significance in (the History of) the Evolution of Today’s World.
Why You Need It: At persevering levels of reading about world history, the (social) sciences, and human development, language & content teachers & learners will want to know not only about Famous Figures that everyone recognizes but also about those that they should acknowledge as a part of “Cultural Literacy.” At Low– to High-Intermediate Levels, here are 30 Selections, two-to-a-page, each with Vocabulary, Main-Point & Important Information, & Interpretation Exercises on their reverse sides. There are two two-page “Mastery Quizzes” + Answer Keys.
What You’ll / They’ll Do:
[1] Excerpted from an earlier section, page 13 is titled “30 Intermediate-Level Biographies 31-42 & 43-60 on text pages 41 to 54 & 55 to 76.” Read the page for Explanation of the formatting, principles, aims, and features of the Biographies, Comprehension & Interpretation Aids, & Summarizing Mastery Quizzes that follow. Note that the subjects of the latter articles are lesser known that those of previous selections. Also, there are two or three of them per reading; they’ve been chosen to fit into “Topic Categories” like Apostles, Artists, Aviators, Chefs, Detectives, Educators, Lawyers, Monsters, Outlaws.
[2] As with all (80) Selections in Biographies: Short, Short Stories Based on “Messages of People’s Lives,” when printed out with odd-numbered pages on their faces and corresponding even-numbered ones on their reverse sides (pages 41 & 42, 43 & 44, and so on), readers can choose to use “Comprehension Aids” on their backs (Vocabulary, Main Points & Important Information, Interpretation) before, while, and/or after doing the reading. If you print out pages 41 through 72 back to back (on stiff paper, preferably in color), you will have 14 two-sided pages that can be cut horizontally in half. The result will be two 12- & 18-Selection “Reading Kits” of Biographies 31-42 & 42-60 to use in a variety of effective, efficient ways—as recommended and/or of your own creation.
[3] Before, while, and/or after participants have worked with and benefited from the material, they can complete the pages 53-54 and/or 73-74 Mastery Tests on screen or paper—cooperatively, independently, and/or competitively. Answers are on pages 75-76.
[4] Along with and/or subsequent to “Lessons” in Download H-01.04, teachers / learners might be motivated to peruse—and perhaps try out—one or more of the “Activities Based on Famous People’s Names & Bios” offered in H-01.04, pages 127-150 of the book.
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