Work/Life English
H-01.06 Get Ideas, Instructions & Input for Advanced Activities Based on (Famous) Figures’ Names & Info
H-01.06 Get Ideas, Instructions & Input for Advanced Activities Based on (Famous) Figures’ Names & Info
From Pages 127-128 & 129-152, Get Ideas & Directives for Creative, Motivating, Multi-Level, Multi-Skills Language Activities That Go Well Beyond Biographies: Short, Short Stories Based on “Messages of People’s Lives.”
26 8.5" x 11" Pages
Who It’s For: Teachers & Learners Wanting to Take Full Advantage of Features of (Famous Figures’) Biographies in Oral & Written Language & Content (Cooperative, Competitive, & Individualized) (Instructional) Activities & Games
Why You Need It: Whether you’re teaching / learning English, Language Skills & Strategies, Critical Thinking, and/or Subject Matter such as History, Geography, Citizenship, (Social) Science, & Culture, you (your students) might appreciate elaborately designed (and therefore engaging) How-to Instructions for Way-Beyond-the-Text Methodologies, Modalities, or Approaches. With Famous Figures’ Biographies as (typical sample) content, here’s impetus for (super-productive) Item-&-Response Activities & Games.
What You’ll / They’ll Do:
[1] On pages 127-128, see how instructional practice in Pronunciation (especially Syllable-Stress Patterns) can happen with (Parts of) Names in Culture, History, & the Present. Get and deliver Memory Practice, too. On pages 129-131, begin employing “(Biography-Based) Knowledge Items that Do Work.” Learn how to utilize three Kinds of Questions (Yes/No, Multiple-Choice, Short-Answer) along with Task-Instructions starting with Tell, Name, Give; Choose, Eliminate, Sequence; and the like. Make the most out of these kinds of Item & Response Activities: Just Answer the Question, Collect Knowledge Quickly, Recycle Questions & Answers, Write It Down, Who Am I? (Circulation Game), Play Twenty Questions, Identify Mystery People.
[2] From pages 132 to 135, be amazed at the variety of activity that can arise when playing (illustrated & textual) Grid-Board Games, which include 1-2-3 in Sequence, Tic-Tac-Toe, and types of educational Lotto / Bingo involving (Famous) Names, Matching, Main-Idea Statements & Questions, and more. Pages 136-137 offer (Variations on) Path-Board Games, including The Game of Knowledge: Biographies. (Sample) Playing-Cards with Portraits (Drawings) on their faces & Names & Notes on their backs are part of Instructions for (creation of +) game play with Biography Decks on pages 138-141. On the next two pages are suggestions for Classification Activities that get learners to Arrange from General to Specific, Organize, Engage in Games, & Play “Categories.”
[3] Four pages on Researching (Finding Visuals & Info) have participants Start Out with Portraits, Identify Faces, List Clues, Do Matching, Continue with Quotations, & Name (& Find Out About) 103 Famous People in a Painting. Pages 148-150 cover Written Skills Activities. Everyone gets to Gather (Biographical) Information, Compose & Write Papers, Optimize Composition Use, Create (Auto)Biographies, & Develop Group “Life Now” Booklets for everyone involved in the teaching / learning process. The H-01.06 Download ends with referrals to other Bio-related materials.
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