Instruction & Practice in Applying Time-Tested Spelling Principles
(Idea S of Phonics & Spelling: Everything to Know Now about Teaching &
Learning American-English Phonics & Spelling)
12 Pages
Who It’s For: Teachers, Helpers, Language Learners, & Readers Wanting Better Spelling
Why You Need It: To write new vocabulary, English users ought to follow spelling rules that go beyond regular phonics patterns. These pages explain and illustrate six (6) consistently useful principles.
What You’ll Do:
[1] Understand & follow procedures for doubling consonants; dropping,
adding, and sequencing letters; and changing vowels.
[2] Match rules to examples. Correct misspellings. Insert missing letters.
[3] Complete word puzzles based on spelling guidelines.
[4] Follow spelling rules when competing in games.
[5] Make productive use of extensive spelling-rule reference lists.
[6] Go “beyond the text” in figuring out how to spell new vocabulary.